What a Shock: Kenny Kunene Exposes 15 Celebrities He Has Had Se.x With.


South African “Sushi King” Kenny Kunene has bedded many women. And he never
talked about his love life… But now he’s named the only two adulter0us affairs
he regrets! Kunene opened his heart to the SunTeam as he spoke about a book he
will publish in December.
said: “I have dated more celebs than it takes to fill a Quantum. But two of
these women gave me the greatest regrets of my life!” This means he had sex
with more than 15 celebrities, since a Quantum is filled with not less than 14
passengers. Shaking his head sadly, the Sushi King said: “My two biggest
mistakes were former Generations actress Sophie Ndaba and radio personality
Zama Ngcobo!”
former politician, club DJ and businessman, told the press he regrets dating
the two beauties and refused to go into details. But that’s only until his
book comes out! He was quoted as saying: “I can’t believe I dated Sophie Ndaba.
just can’t believe that. It was a very tight relationship. I don’t want to go
into the serious stuff. That’s one of my biggest regrets.” Last week, in an
interview with the People’s Paper, Kenny was pressed to confirm what he had
response was: “Yes, I wasn’t quoted out of context. I do regret dating Sophie
and Zama Ngcobo. They’re both similar in certain instances.
of them have done bad things specific things – and they know it. But I’ve
forgiven them.” Then the Sushi King went on: “I’m not at liberty to say
anything now, but all will be revealed in my tell-all book which will be in the
shops at the end of the year.
still friends with Sophie and talk to her when I need something. But I’ve only
seen Zama once since our time together.” Sunday Sun has learnt that Kenny dated
the two nyatsis while he was still married to his wife Mathato. Their divorce
was finalised in 2012
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