8 things to do Before s_ex Follow These Your Partner Will Want You everyday



Some people feel all they have to do after se_x with their partners is to just get up and get out or sleep off, but they are so wrong.
There are plenty of things to do after se_x besides just going to sleep. Guys, if you are grasping at straws on things to do after se_x , I’ve got your guide right here! We’re going to explore all kinds of different things do to after se_x  to make you connect with your partner that much more!

1. Cuddle
This is actually a standard right? Cuddling and spooning after se_x is one of the biggest ways to let your woman or even your man to know that you love them and that you two are better connected now. It’s much better than just simply turning over and falling asleep right?

2. Talk
One of the biggest things to do after se_x is talk. You don’t have to talk about the se_x , heck, you don’t even have to talk about anything really, just speaking to each other can rekindle the flame and even improve your communication. Why not talk about some of the fantasies that you might have or even talk about your future. It’s a great time to bring up important – but still light-hearted topics!

3. Reconnect
Reconnecting can happen in any number of ways. It can happen through talking, through touching and even just through cuddling, but the reconnecting that I am talking about is just laying there, staring at one another, maybe whispering little secrets or sharing confessions. This is the time that intimacy is at it’s highest!

4. Touch One Another.
When you’re having se_x , you are obviously touching, but one of the things to do after se_x could be just small, subtle teasing little touches. A light touch to your man’s arm, a touch to his hand, a touch through his hair. It’ll all awaken the senses again and who knows where that can lead you!

5. Discuss Future Plans
Talking is a big part of reconnecting and after se_x , you want to make sure that you are reconnecting with your partner. Discussing things like your future is super important! Maybe you could talk about your hopes and dreams and what you think you might want to do in the future.

6. Bask In The Afterglow
After you havese_x , there is just a feeling and an afterglow that you can bask in. It’s one of the most wonderful feelings in the entire world right? Why not just bask in that feeling? Talk about it a little, look deep into each others eyes – trust me, it’s a great way to reconnect and an awesome thing to do after se_x !

7. Laugh
S_ex doesn’t have to be all serious, in fact, you can actually have a bit of fun with it. After or even during se_x , why not have a good old laugh? You can tell secrets and jokes and even talk about some of the things that you did. Laugh it all off! It’ll make you closer and feel better about not being so serious!

8. Eat In Bed
Se_x is a work out right? You burn a heck of a lot of calories and one way to replenish your body’s energy is to eat! So why not fix yourself a meal and eat it with your partner after se_x !

Ladies, se_x is supposed to be fun and should be a way for your partner and you to really connect and be close to one another.

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