Man in court allegedly for killing Ghanaian businessman.



DAR ES SALAAM resident, Salim Mohamed Marwa, alias Komba, who disappeared while in hands of prisons officers at Temeke Regional Hospital, having been linked with murder of Ghanaian businessman, has been arrested and was arraigned before the High Court yesterday.
Senior State Attorney Neema Haule told Judge Ama Munisi that Marwa, who is charged with murdering the Ghanaian, Joseph Oppong, alongside another accused person, Peter Charles Mayala, was apprehended by the law enforcers recently having remained at large since January last year.
The trial attorney disclosed that at the time the accused persons went into hiding, the trial of his case was in progress and the prosecution had already called six witnesses. Later on, she said, the court was forced to proceed with the trial in his absence where three more witnesses were heard.
In the yesterday’s proceedings, the trial judge asked Marwa on how he was going to proceed with the trial following the disqualification of his advocate he had previously engaged. The accused person requested the court to grant him more time to consult his advocate on the matter.
The judge granted the request and adjourned the trial to August 3, where the accused person would be required to report back on whether his advocate would be willing to be reengaged.
She however, pointed out that if such advocate would turn down the offer, the government would have to hire another advocate for the accused person though the trial was in final stages of presentation of final submissions and opinions of court assessors.
Facts of the case show that on September 2, 2010 in the afternoon, Marwa met the deceased at Morocco area in Kinondoni District, where the deceased intimated to him that he was looking for his long lost relative residing at Bagamoyo, who would help him find a client to buy his five motor vehicles.
Marwa became interested due to the fact that he knew that the person who was identified as Alhasan Baba, alias Isaka because he was also residing at Bagamoyo. The two, thereafter, exchanged their mobile phone numbers and kept in touch.
On September 9, 2010, the deceased arrived at Bagamoyo after being called by Marwa who had told him that he has a client who was interested to buy the vehicles, thus the deceased was required to go there with original documents.
It is stated that after meeting in Bagamoyo, the two went to the house of Marwa’s mother to eat and later went to Bomani Hotel to have some beers. Marwa is alleged to have pretended that they were at the hotel to wait for a client, but in fact he and another person had planned to drug the deceased, steal the original documents relating to the imported vehicles and later kill him.
While having the beers at the hotel, Marwa alleged to have drugged the deceased and left the place while the latter was already unconscious heading to his house where they met Matala and started assaulting him with bush knives until he died due to loss of blood.
On September 27, 2010, Marwa and one Nurdin who later went at large were arrested while trying to sell the deceased’s vehicles. Upon interrogations, the two allegedly admitted to have committed the offence jointly with Mayala and later led the police to where they had buried the deceased body.

Thereafter, the trial took off, but Marwa became sick after the prosecution had called six witnesses. He was taken to Temeke regional hospital where he was admitted before disappearing under mysterious circumstances, while in hands of prisons officers. 

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